Procuradores Portugueses na China
Procuradores Portugueses na China

A Database of Latin and Portuguese Sources on China
(16th-18th Century).
Survey, Edition, Translation and Studies
(PTDC/LLT-OUT /31941/2017)
English translation by Gustavo Infante

The project aims to gather and make available on a digital platform, regularly updated, unpublished documents in Latin and Portuguese about China, from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century. The documents collected are either written by Portuguese or by people from other nationalities who were related to them. Res Sinicae aims to create a digital repertoire of sources of different types, which is urgent to constitute for the Portuguese case and which should continue beyond its funding lifespan. After the first phase of exhaustive inventory, and a subsequent phase of transcription and translation into Portuguese of Latin, the documents will be made available in on-line editions both in their original language and Portuguese translation. A large selection of documents will be later translated into and made available in both English and Chinese, in order to reach a wider audience within the scientific community. The Res Sinicae platform will also include several studies carried out by researchers, members of its scientific board, and other contributors.

One of the aims of Res Sinicae is to widen the knowledge on the intercultural relations between Portugal and Ming/Qing China, and gauging the Portuguese contribution to the production and circulation of knowledge on China across Europe. This project involves, on the one hand, a scientific aspect and, on the other hand, a pedagogical one, as well as promoting these often unknown contents. The central objectives of this project aimed at making available on-line unpublished sources about China, written in Portuguese and Latin, and studies carried out about these sources, for a specialised audience. Parallel to this, we seek to introduce to a non-specialist audience, including the younger generation, names and works of Portuguese often ignored, who were active cultural brokers. We aim to provide resources and contents that can be used in various levels of our educational system. In order to do so, one of our objectives is to compile a small ‘Encyclopaedia of Authors’, with short texts in Portuguese, English and Chinese. Our long-term goals include a digital database which will store both editions and studies of the documents and sources about China, written in Latin and Portuguese, dating from the timespan covered by this research project. Most of the sources can be found in archives and libraries, in Portugal and elsewhere, but they have remained unpublished, and their access is rather limited. Besides, these sources have remained very scattered around archives and libraries, and in manuscript form only, some of them not easily legible. Finally, in the case of sources written in Latin, there had never been a translation into a modern language, which, in this case, it will be Portuguese. Bearing in mind how international and accessible we wish this project to be, gradually a wide selection of sources will be made available in English and in Chinese.
One of the other aims of this project is to produce and promote scientific research, through the means of an international congress and by publishing two volumes. In addition, there will be open courses and research seminars, as well as an exhibition planned for the first semester of 2022. The latter will mark the conclusion of this project.
To reach our aims, we selected a priori the documental corpus to be published and constituted a team with a wide range of skills which mirror the intercultural scope of the project. The team is composed of classicists-latinists, philologists, linguists, sinologists, paleographers, and historians. It covers several areas of knowledge (such as linguistics, history, science history, decorative arts, and sinology) and seeks to attract various audiences and school levels, thus having a social impact. We aim to share this knowledge and make it accessible to a broader audience. At the same time, we wish to contribute to add more value to our literary heritage.

Doctor in History by Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) (2008), MA in History (1998), with a postgraduate in Chinese Language and Culture (1999), and a BA in Humanities. She worked as a lecturer at the Department of Arts and Humanities at UPF. In 2003 she created and introduced in the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya the programme on East Asian Studies, which she supervised from 2003 until 2009. She acted as vice-director of UOC’s vice-chancellor for academic organisation and for her faculty until 2013. She was also a lecturer for Chinese history and culture at the Escola Superior de Comerç Internacional.
Her research focus on the relationship between Europe and China in the seventeenth century, shaping the image of China in the Early Modern Age, the transition between Ming and Qing dynasties, the Philippines and Spain, and gender studies in China.

Elisabetta Corsi is Chair Professor at the Faculty of Lettere e Filosofia of Sapienza University, Rome, where she teaches Sinology and Classical Chinese. She made her studies of History of Art, Chinese Philology, Compared Religion and Theology in Rome, Beijing, Hong Kong, Mumbai, and Mexico. Her research interests are related to the intellectual apostolate of the Society of Jesus in China and the spread of visual and scientific Catholic culture in China in the Early Modern Age. Some of her published works include, chronologically, the following: La fábrica de las ilusiones. Los Jesuitas y la difusión de la perspectiva linear en China (1698-1766) (Mexico: El Colegio de México, 2004); and her collaboration with Filippo Camerota for the section on linear perspective and mathematics in the catalogue for an exhibition titled Mirabili disinganni. Andrea Pozzo (Trento 1642-Vienna 1709). Pittore e architetto gesuita (Rome: Artemide, 2010). She is currently writing a book on the transmission of Aristotelian natural philosophy in China during the Early Modern Age.

(Universität Bamberg)
Enrique Rodrigues-Moura is Full Professor at the Department of Romance Languages («Institut für Romanistik») at the University of Bamberg since 2012. He received 2007 his PhD in Romanic Philology at the Complutense University of Madrid (Extraordinary Doctorate Award; Doctor Europeus Award) and 2009 a Post-Doc-Award from the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation to research at the University of Lisbon. He has worked as Lecturer at the Universities of Bratislava, Graz and Wien and as Assistant Professor at the Universities of Innsbruck and Göttingen. He was Visiting Professor at the Department of Romance Languages of the University of Graz (2012-2017). He works also as a Research Fellow at the Center for Inter-American Studies (C.IAS) of the University of Graz since the summer semester 2017. Main aspects of his research related to Res Sinicae: a) The Literatures and Cultures in Spanish and Portuguese of the XVI, XVII, and XVIII centuries (e.g. Manoel Botelho de Oliveira, Miguel de Cervantes, Antonio Vieira, Saavedra Fajardo, Francisco Manuel de Melo, Antonio da Costa Peixoto) – Iberian Studies and Transatlantic Studies; b) The theory and practice of textual criticism (e.g. Fénix Renascida, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Camilo Castelo Branco, Manoel Botelho de Oliveira).

Han Qi is Doctor (1991) by the Institute for the History of Natural Sciences at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS). He is, since 2000, professor at the same institute and, since 2015, its vice-director. His main research area focus on the East-West cultural exchange between the seventeenth and the twentieth century, with particular emphasis on the transmission of Western science during the reigns of emperors Kangxi and Qianlong. He has published several books and articles on social history of scientific knowledge, namely on how Western science spread across China. He was vice-president of the International Society for the History of East Asian Science, Technology and Medicine. He was also the main editor for the Ziran kexushi yanjiu 自然科学史研究 (Studies on History of Natural Sciences) and a member of the editorial board for the journals Archive for History of Exact Sciences, Annals of Science, and Historia Scientiarum.

Jorge Santos Alves is Assistant Guest Professor at the Faculty of Human Sciences of the Portuguese Catholic University (UCP), Lisbon (FCH-UCP), and coordinator of the Institute of Asian Studies, at the same faculty. He is also the coordinator for the Masters in Asian Studies (FCH-UCP) and researcher at the Centre for Studies of Communication and Culture (FCH-UCP). In addition, he is vice-president of ALIAC, the Portuguese-Indonesian Association for Friendship and Cooperation and director of Oriente, a journal published by Fundação Oriente. Both his teaching (undergraduate and postgraduate levels) and his research focus on Asian Studies, particularly on the history of Southeast Asia, China (Macau), and the Indian Ocean, as well as the history of the Portuguese in Asia. His most recent research has added the study of Muslim networks in the Indian Ocean (Maldives and Southeast Asia) to his previous research interests.

Liam Matthew Brockey is an historian of Early Modern Europe, and a specialist in the history of Roman Catholicism and the Society of Jesus. Educated at the University of Notre Dame and Brown University, he has written extensively on Jesuit missions in China, Japan, and India, as well as on the Portuguese empire. He is the author of two monographs, Journey to the East: The Jesuit Mission to China, 1579-1724 Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press, 2007) and The Visitor: André Palmeiro and the Jesuits in Asia (Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press, 2014), and many journal articles. Most recently he and Mónica Leal da Silva have published annotated translations of a selection of the sermons of António Vieira. Professor Brockey has also served as President of the American Catholic Historical Association, and was elected to the Academia Portuguesa da História.

Luís Manuel Ribeiro Saraiva graduated in Mathematics at the Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon, in 1973, and received his Doctorate in Mathematical Analysis at the University of Essex, UK, in 1985. He also received his BA in Romance Philology at the School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon, in 1980. He is the national coordinator of the National Seminar for the History of Mathematics since its foundation in 1988 and has organised its yearly national symposium (for more than 30 years now). In cooperation with Brazilian historians, he has organised the Luso-Brazilian Symposia for the History of Mathematics, which takes place yearly, in turns, in Portugal and Brazil since 1993. The proceedings of these meetings have been published and the 8th volume is currently being revised. In collaboration with Catherine Jami, he organised five symposia named ‘History of Mathematical Sciences: Portugal and East Asia’, which took place in Portugal, Macau, Tokyo, Beijing, and Hsinchu (Taiwan). He also contributed to the publication of the proceedings of these symposia. The 6th symposium was planned to take place in 2020 in Seoul. He has published twenty-seven peer reviewed articles in journals and books.

Manel Ollé (Barcelona, 1962) is an Associate Professor in Early Modern and Modern Chinese History and Culture at the Department of Humanities, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, in which he is the director of the Master in Chinese Studies. His main research areas are maritime China in the sixteenth and seventeenth century, European perceptions of China, Portuguese and Spaniards in East Asia, and Chinese diaspora in Southeast Asia. He is guest researcher at the National Research Centre of Overseas Sinology 北京外国语大学中国海外文学研究中心, Beijing Foreign Studies University, and co-director of the project ‘Southern European Historical Materials Concerning China in the 16th and 17th Centuries’ ” 清華大學歷史研究所與西班牙龐培法布拉大學. 等人共同合作十六、十七世紀有關中國之南歐史料 (2016-2018) with Yu-chung Lee at the History Institute of the National Tsing Hua University/Pompeu Fabra University – Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation, Taiwan. He has also published La empresa de China. De la Armada Invencible al Galeón de Manila (Barcelona: Acantilado, 2002) and La invención de China. Percepciones y estrategias filipinas respecto a China durante el siglo XVI (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2000).


Arnaldo do Espírito Santo is Emeritus Professor at the University of Lisbon and he has been a researcher at the Centre for Classical Studies (CEC), of which he was director and also the coordinator of the research group Sapientia Asiatica. He is the Principal Investigator for the project Res Sinicae and researcher for the project Europa Renascens, which congregates more than thirty European universities.
He carried out research on classical antiquity, classical languages and cultures, Latin culture in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, and Portuguese classical literature. He supervised eight PhD dissertations and ten MA dissertations. He has 133 publications. He has been a member of organising committees and scientific committees in more than thirty academic conferences.
He has given papers and read conference papers both in Portugal and abroad (Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Brazil, Egypt, and Cape Verde). He has taken part in international projects, from which we would highlight the following: Hislampa, in partnership with Santiago de Compostela University (Galicia, Spain), and Scaliger’s Poetices Libri Septem, a collaboration between the universities of Granada (Spain) and Lisbon, Aveiro, Minho (all in Portugal), and the Portuguese Catholic University. He received the Translation Award, granted by the Portuguese PEN Club and the Portuguese Translators Association (2001). Three times did he receive the prize for technical and scientific translation from Latin to Portuguese, granted by União Latina and the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, in 2001, 2008, and 2011 respectively. Together with Cristina Costa Gomes, he was given an honourable mention, granted by the Maritime Academy, for the modern edition and translation of Diogo de Sá, De Navigatione Libri Tres, Sobre a Navegação Três Livros (Lisbon: Academia de Marinha and CEC, 2017). He is a member of the Scientific Society of the Portuguese Catholic University and emeritus member of the Portuguese Academy of History. He is also a member of Pontificia Academia Latinitatis (Vatican City). He was a board member at the Scientific Council for Social Sciences and Humanities at the Foundation for Science and Technology and is director of the Portuguese Culture and Language Institute at the School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon. He is currently the president of the Association for Development at the same faculty.

Cristina Costa Gomes holds a MA (2000) and a PhD (2008) in Early Modern History from the School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon. She is a researcher at the Centre for Classical Studies, of the same University. She is also a member of the Maritime Academy (Lisbon) and of the Portuguese Academy of History. She is currently the Co-Principal Investigator of the project Res Sinicae. Her main research interests are Portuguese Humanism (in the sixteenth century), intercultural relations between Portugal/Europe and China (sixteenth to eighteenth century), and the edition of sources dated from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century. She has an extensive number of publications on the above-mentioned fields. Amongst them, the following are worthy of note: Diogo de Sá no Renascimento Português, 2 vols. (Lisbon: Centro de Estudos Clássicos, 2012); Tomás Pereira: Obras (org. by Luís Filipe Barreto; translation Arnaldo do Espírito Santo; transcription and notes Cristina Costa Gomes, Isabel Murta Pina e Pedro Lage Correia), 2 vols. (Lisbon: CCCM, 2011); and Diogo de Sá, De Navigatione Libri Tres, Sobre A Navegação Três Livros, critical edition of the Latin text, translation, and notes by Arnaldo do Espírito Santo, and introduction by Cristina Costa Gomes (Lisbon: Academia de Marinha and Centro de Estudos Clássicos, 2017). She is currently preparing the critical edition of Monarchia da China (1654) by António de Gouveia, as well as his unpublished letters.

João Teles e Cunha holds a PhD in Early Modern History (University of Lisbon, 2009) and is currently a research member at the Centre for Classical Studies (School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon), as part of the Res Sinicae research team. He is also an affiliated researcher at CHAM, based at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, and a permanent member at the Maritime Academy. His research focus on the economic, social, and cultural history of Asia, on the interaction between Asians and Portuguese, particularly in the Persian Gulf, India, and the Indian Ocean. He has taken part in several publication projects of Portuguese sources about Asia, namely the third series of “Livros das Monções” (Monsoon Books), which allowed him to gain a solid knowledge about the archival world in Portugal. He has also written several studies on tea, the evolution of its consumption in Asia and Europe in the Early Modern Age, with special emphasis on aspects related to its material culture. In 2012 he organised an exhibition about tea at the Orient Museum (Lisbon).

Fr. António Trigueiros, S.J. holds a PhD in Early Modern History by the University of Lisbon (Portugal), with a dissertation entitled Os Jesuítas Portugueses exilados nos Estados Pontifícios no período pombalino e post–pombalino [The Portuguese Jesuits Exiled in the Pontifical States in the Pombaline and post-Pombaline Period]. He is Editor-in-chief of the journal Brotéria (The Portuguese Jesuits cultural journal). He has a degree in Philosophy, Humanistic Studies by the Portuguese Catholic University - Braga, and another in Theology and History of the Church by the Gregorian Pontifical University - Rome. His main publications include I Gesuiti dell’Assistenza Lusitana esiliati in Italia (1759/1831), in co-authorship with Mariagrazia Russo, Padua, CLEUP (Coop. Libraria Editrice Università di Padova), 2013; and A Sé Nova de Coimbra (in co-authorship with Maria de Lurdes Craveiro), Coimbra, Ministério da Cultura / Direcção Regional de Cultura do Centro, 2011. He is a Jesuit Father belonging to the Portuguese Province since 1989. He is also a Corresponding Member of the Portuguese Academy of History.

Bernardo Mota holds a PhD in Classical Studies (Lisbon, 2008). He received a Humbolt Scholarship between 2009 and 2011 (Technical University of Berlin). He is Associated Professor with tenure at the Department of Classical Studies, University of Lisbon, where he teaches disciplines in the area of Latin, Classical Culture, and History of Ancient Science. He is a researcher at the Centre for Classical Studies, Lisbon, and a collaborator at the Inter-University Centre for the History of Sciences and Technology (CIUHCT). His research focus on the history of ancient Mathematics (especially on geometry and Euclidean optics) and classical, Aristotelian theory of science. He published, amongst others, a translation into Portuguese of Plutarch’s Moralia: On the Face which appears in the Orb of the Moon, a monograph about the interaction between Aristotle’s model of science and Euclid’s geometry (O estatuto da matemática em Portugal nos séculos XVI e XVII, Lisbon: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian/Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, 2011). More recently, Bernardo Mota published the translation and edition of a commentary about Euclid’s work on Optics written by a Portuguese author in the sixteenth century: Francisco de Melo (Bernardo Mota and Henrique Leitão, Francisco de Melo. Obras Matemáticas, vol. 1, critical edition and translation, Lisbon: Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal/Centro de Estudos Clássicos, 2014). He is currently a researcher at the ‘Gynecia: Rodericus a Castro Lusitanos and the ancient medical tradition about gynaecology and embryology’ research project (PTDC/FER-HFC/31187/2017), funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology and based at the Centre for Classical Studies, Lisbon.

Gustavo Infante is Portuguese Language Teaching Fellow at the University of Bristol, UK. Between 2003 and 2007 he was Portuguese tutor (Camões/IPOR) at the Beijing Foreign Languages University (北京外国语大学). He holds a BA in Classical Studies (Lisbon, 2000) and PhD (Bristol, 2014) in Comparative Literature, with a thesis on the rural landscape in the fiction of Miguel Torga (Portugal) and Han Shaogong (P. R. China). His current research is on cinema, dictatorships, and prison writing in the Portuguese-speaking world. Apart from his research on 20th-century matters, he is a researcher at the Res Sinicae project, thus connected to his Alma Mater, the School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon. His work within the Res Sinicae project is the edition and translation of Sapientia Sinica, one of the key texts to understand the reception of Chinese philosophy in Europe. Gustavo Infante has also researched on Macau literatures and has published several articles on that subject.

Isabel Murta Pina holds a MA (2000) and a PhD (2009) in History (School of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University of Lisbon) and is a researcher at the Macau Scientific and Cultural Centre in Lisbon (CCCM). She is an affiliated researcher at the Centre for Classical Studies, and at the Centre for the Humanities (CHAM), of the School of Social Sciences and Humanities (NOVA University of Lisbon/Azores University); she is also a member of the Portuguese Maritime Academy. Her main research interests are the intercultural relations between Portugal/Europe during the Ming and Qing periods. She has articles and books published on these topics, namely on missionary activity and the production and circulation of knowledge about China in Europe. She co-authored the volume Tomás Pereira. Obras (2011). She is currently preparing the biography of Álvaro Semedo, S.J. (1585-1658), as well as a critical edition of his work.
For a more detailed CV, please check: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/6317-C667-B530.

Cristina Pimentel holds a BA in Classical Philology (1976), a MA in Latin Literature (1985), and a PhD in Latin Literature (1993), by the School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon, where she is currently the Director in the area of Literatures, Arts, and Cultures, and a member of its Scientific Commission. Institutionally, she is member of the direction committee of the Euphrosyne journal and one of the Portuguese scientific coordinators at the “Europa Renascens: textos grecolatinos para la construcción de Europa” international network (based in Spain). She is also a member of the scientific board of several academic journals both Portuguese and from other countries. Though her main research focus on Latin literature, her other interests are Ancient History, teaching Latin and Greek, Classical Culture, the reception of Classical literature in Portuguese literature, sixteenth and seventeenth century sacred oratory, especially that by father António Vieira and Francisco de Mendoça. Amongst published titles, the most recents are the following: Pimentel, Maria Cristina et alii (coord.), O humanismo português e europeu no 5º centenário do Cícero Lusitanus: Dom Jerónimo Osório (1515-1580). Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade, 2020; Pimentel, Maria Cristina et alii (coord.), Augustan Papers. New Approaches to the Age of Augustus on the Bimillenium of his Death. Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 2020; Maria Cristina Pimentel - Paula Morão (coords.), A Literatura Clássica ou Os Clássicos na Literatura. Presenças Clássicas nas Literaturas de Língua Portuguesa. V. N. Famalicão: Húmus – CEC, 2019; Maria Cristina Pimentel and Nuno Simões Rodrigues (eds.), Violence in the Ancient and Medieval Worlds. Leuven: Peeters, 2018; Estudos sobre o Padre António Vieira I: A sedução da palavra: os Sermões. Org. by Arnaldo do Espírito Santo, Ana Paula Banza, Cristina Pimentel, Isabel Almeida, Manuel Cândido Pimentel, Lisbon: Imprensa Nacional – Casa da Moeda, 2017; Estudos sobre o Padre António Vieira II: Actualidade do Padre António Vieira: Política, Missão e Diplomacia. Org. by Ana Paula Banza, Arnaldo do Espírito Santo, Cristina Pimentel, Isabel Almeida, Manuel Cândido Pimentel, Lisbon: Imprensa Nacional – Casa da Moeda, 2017.

Maria João Pereira Coutinho holds a PhD in Art History from the University of Lisbon. She is currently a researcher at the Institute of Art History, School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, in which she carries out the following research project: “Architecture, sculpture and ornament: cultural transfers of stoneworks in the Portuguese Assistancy (S.I.) from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century”, funded by national funds through the Foundation for Science and Technology, under the "Norma Transitória" – [ref. DL57/2016/CP1453/CT0046]. She is also a researcher of the Res Sinicae project, a member of the Portuguese Society of Construction History (SPEHC) and the Société Internationale d´Études Jésuites. She has published in Portuguese and international publications on Art History and Decorative Arts. https://www.cienciavitae.pt/A415-931B-5D04.

Noël Golvers (1950) studied Classical Philology at the Catholic University in Leuven and holds a PhD in Latin Linguistics (1984). Since the mid-1980s he has studied texts in Latin and other languages written by members of the Jesuit mission to China, especially in the early Qing period. Amongst many publications, we could highlight his books on the Astronomy works by Ferdinand Verbiest: F. Verbiest and the Astronomia Europaea (1993); F. Verbiest and the Chinese Heaven (2003) [Royal Academy of Belgium Prize, 2004]; The Mathematical mss. of F. Verbiest from Constantinople (2009), with E. Nicolaidis. He has also published Verbiest’s letters (2017). The Jesuit libraries in China are also included in his research interests and publications: Libraries of Western Learning for China, 3 vols. (Leuven, 2012, 2013, 2015); Portuguese books and their readers in the Jesuit mission of China (17th-18th centuries) (Lisbon: CCCM, 2011). He has also contributed with numerous articles in journals and collective works, namely on cultural aspects of the Jesuit mission and communication networks between Europe and China. His current research projects are on the correspondence network of Johann Schreck Terrentius in Europe (1600-1618) and on the circulation of knowledge between Europe-China-Europe in the 17th and 18th century.

Paulo de Assunção holds three PhDs: in Iberian Studies (School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences – EHESS, Paris), in Social and Economic History (NOVA University of Lisbon), and in Social History (São Paulo University). Paulo also has two postdocs, namely in Religious Sciences (Mackenzie University, São Paulo, Brazil) and History of Education (University of the State of Maringá, Brazil). He has carried out research on topics related to the presence of Jesuits in the Portuguese Empire, as well as the history of culture, economy, tourism, architecture and urban planning. Some of his works have been rewarded, namely by the Maritime Academy (2013), and by the Portuguese and Brazilian National Archives (Torre do Tombo, Lisbon, and Rio de Janeiro) – King John VI Prize (2008). He was awarded with the literary and innovation Jabuti Prize (Brazil) in 2012. He has published many books and articles in several journals. He is currently a member of the Brazilian Historic and Geographic Institute (IHGB).

Zhang Minfen is Associate Professor at the Portuguese Department, Shanghai International Studies University. She holds a BA in Portuguese (Shanghai), a MA in Portuguese Language and Culture (Macau) and a PhD in History (NOVA University of Lisbon). She is a foreign correspondent member of the Brazilian Historic and Geographic Institute (IHGB). She is both author and co-author of several Portuguese-Chinese and Chinese-Portuguese dictionaries, as well as several textbooks for Chinese learners of Portuguese. She has also published several translations from Portuguese into Chinese and vice-versa. In addition, she has published articles about teaching Portuguese as a foreign language in China and on the Portuguese activity in China (16th to 18th century). She is currently working on the history of Portuguese sinology.

Ana Cristina Pereira is a PhD student (Classical Studies) at the School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon, where she completed her MA with a thesis on epistolography in the second century A.D. She is collaborating with the Res Sinicae project in the context of her PhD dissertation, on the Latin and Portuguese sources for her dissertation: “Francisco Furtado (1589-1653): a Portuguese Jesuit in the Mission in China”. She is being supervised by Professor Cristina Pimentel and Doctor Cristina Costa Gomes.

André Rodrigues holds a BA in Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, with a minor in Classical Studies (Lisbon), and he is currently a MA student in Classical Studies (Lisbon), being supervised by Professor Bernardo Mota and Professor Arnaldo do Espírito Santo. He teaches Portuguese as a foreign language at the Portuguese Culture and Language Institute (School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon), where he is a collaborator at the Centre for Classical Studies. His research interests are Classical Antiquity, Portuguese Humanism, Portuguese Expansion, and the relations between Portugal and China in the 17th and 18th century.

Fátima Gomes holds a BA in Philosophy (Portuguese Catholic University, Lisbon), with a specialisation in Chinese Studies (University of Aveiro, Portugal). She is a librarian at the Ajuda Library, where she became a specialist in documents about the relations between Portugal and Southeast Asia. She has presented papers on this topic. She has carried out library science work on manuscript collections related to the same topic. She is currently writing her PhD dissertation on “The role of João Álvares, S.J., in the preservation project of Macau Archives in the middle of the eighteenth century", being supervised by Professor Arnaldo do Espírito Santo and Doctor Cristina Costa Gomes.

Judite Fontinha (1948) started her professional live at 18, becoming an administrative in a trade union, where she worked until she retired in 2013. Parallel to her professional activity, she has always had interest for Humanities; she has attended several short-term courses at the School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon, and was an active member of the “School of Reading and Writing” project (Portuguese Writers Association) for more than 10 years. She holds a BA in Classical Studies (Lisbon, 2013) and is currently a MA student, with the following dissertation in Classical Studies, as part of the Res Sinicae project: “Informatio de praxis Missionariorum by Francisco Furtado: study, edition, translation”. She is being supervised by Professor Arnaldo do Espírito Santo and Doctor Cristina Costa Gomes. She co-authored a translation of Lucan’s Pharsalia. She also attended a proof-reading course and two other courses at the Macau Scientific and Cultural Centre (CCCM).


Wu Di is from Guangzhou and studied at the Beijing Normal University. She has been in Portugal since 2017. She studied Portuguese at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Coimbra and then at the School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon. She is currently writing her MA dissertation in Classical Studies, with the title “A handbook for a short study of the Chinese language. The manuscript from José Monteiro, S.J. (ca. 1700)”. She is being supervised by Professor Arnaldo do Espírito Santo and Doctor Isabel Murta Pina.

Arnaldo do Espírito Santo, PI
Cristina Costa Gomes, Co-PI
Isabel Murta Pina
João Teles e Cunha
Maria João Pereira Coutinho


No dia 28 de Junho de 2024, os investigadores integrados do Centro de Estudos Clássicos (FL/UL), Cristina Costa Gomes e António Júlio Trigueiros, participaram no seminário “Os papéis esquecidos de Francisco Rodrigues SJ e Serafim Leite SJ”, que decorreu na Brotéria. Neste seminário participaram, também, as investigadoras colaboradoras do Centro de Estudos Clássicos (FL/UL), Isabel Murta Pina e Maria João Pereira Coutinho.
Apresentaram, neste evento, as comunicações: “Serafim Leite e o estudo das línguas ameríndias pelos jesuítas. Uma análise comparada com o chinês” (Cristina Costa Gomes e Isabel Murta Pina) , “Francisco Rodrigues e a sua História da Companhia de Jesus na Assistência de Portugal” (António Júlio Trigueiros) e “Arte e construção nos estudos de Francisco Rodrigues e Serafim Leite” (Maria João Pereira Coutinho).
O seminário teve lugar na Brotéria e realizou-se no âmbito do projecto “Uma história ‘em construção’ – Artistas e Artífices no espólio de Francisco Rodrigues, s.j. (1873-1956) e de Serafim Leite, s.j. (1890-1969)”, coordenado por Maria João Pereira Coutinho (IHA-NOVA FCSH / IN2PAST) e António Júlio Trigueiros, s.j. (Brotéria).
Mais informações:
Projecto “Uma história ‘em construção’" - https://shorturl.at/jkh36
Seminário: https://shorturl.at/DfYHd
11 - 13

As investigadoras Cristina Costa Gomes, do Centro de Estudos Clássicos (FL-UL), e Isabel Murta Pina, do Centro Científico e Cultural de Macau, e a doutoranda Wu Di, do Centro de Estudos Clássicos (FL-UL), participaram, entre 11 e 13 de Junho, no International Symposium on Jesuit Studies, "Renovatio Mundi: The Jesuits as Educators in History", no Boston College. Apresentaram, neste importante evento internacional, comunicações na área da linguística missionária, intituladas: "Sinicum Idioma. Jesuit Educators, the Making of Language Tools and the Role of the Portuguese” e "In a Classroom in Shanghai. Latin Notes on the Four Books (1637–38)".
Aproveitaram, ainda, para visitar o Ricci Institute for Chinese-Western Cultural Institute, onde foram recebidas pelo seu arquivista Dr. Mark Mir, e tiveram acesso às colecções Jesuítica and Rare Books.
Realizaram-se no passado dia 2 de Outubro de 2023 as provas de Mestrado em Estudos Clássicos, apresentadas à Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, por WU DI.
A dissertação Um manual para o estudo breve da língua chinesa. O manuscrito de José Monteiro, SJ. (c.1700) foi orientada pelo Professor Doutor Arnaldo do Espírito Santo e Co-orientada pela Doutora Isabel Alexandra Murta Pina.
O Júri foi constituído pelos seguintes elementos: Professora Doutora Maria Cristina de Castro-Maia de Sousa Pimentel (Presidente), Doutora Ana Cristina Cardoso da Costa Gomes (Arguente), Doutora Ana Cristina Ferreira de Almeida Rodrigues Alves, Prof. Doutor André Filipe Nunes Simões e a Doutora Isabel Alexandra Murta Pina (Co-orientadora).
A dissertação foi Aprovada com 19 (dezanove) valores.
Realizaram-se no passado dia 26 de Junho de 2023 as provas de Doutoramento em Estudos Clássicos, apresentadas à Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, por Ana Cristina Ferreira Martins Pereira.
A tese Opera Latina Francisci Furtado, S.J (1587-1653) – Edição, Tradução e Notas foi orientada pela Professora Doutora Maria Cristina de Castro-Maia de Sousa Pimentel e Co-orientada pela Doutora Ana Cristina Cardoso da Costa Gomes.
O Júri foi constituído pelos seguintes elementos: Professor Doutor Paulo Farmhouse Alberto (Presidente); Doutora Isabel Alexandra Murta Pina (Arguente), Prof. Doutor Bernardo Machado Mota; Doutora Maria João Fontes Pereira Coutinho; Prof. Doutor Armando Duarte Senra Martins, Prof. Doutor André Filipe Veloso Nunes Simões e Doutora Ana Cristina Cardoso da Costa Gomes (Co-orientadora).
A tese foi Aprovada com Louvor e Distinção por unanimidade.

5, 19, 26
3, 10
"Letters of the World II
A paleographic journey (16th to19th century)"
The course 'Letters of the World II' took place on March 20th, April 5th, 19th and 26th, and May 3rd and 10th 2022, focusing on texts from the 16th to the 19th century from Brazil to East Asia. It was promoted by the Fundação das Casas de Fronteira and Alorna in partnership with the Real Gabinete Português de Leitura of Rio de Janeiro and the Centre for Classical Studies of the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon.

6, 8, 12, 13 e 15
"Letters of the World.
A paleographic voyage through texts written in Portuguese (sixteenth to nineteenth century)"
"Letters of the World. A paleographic voyage through texts written in Portuguese (sixteenth to nineteenth century).
The course "Letters of the World" took place on September 29 and October 6, 8 12, 13 and 15 2021 around texts from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century written in different places where the Portuguese travelled through: Brazil, Africa, India and East Asia. The course was organized in a partnership between the Foundation of the Houses of Fronteira and Alorna (Lisbon-Portugal), the Real Gabinete Português de Leitura (Rio de Janeiro-Brazil) and the Centre for Classical Studies of the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon.

8, 15, 22, 29
Six Histories.
Portugal and China (16th to 18th century)
The course Six Histories. Portugal and China (16th to 18th century) took place on April 24th, May 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th, and June 5th, around six histories that explored six dimensions of the relationship between China and Portugal in the early modern age, during the Ming and Qing dynasties. The course was organized through Fundação Oriente.

19, 20 and 21
International Conference Res Sinicae 2022 Cousas da China. Sixteenth to Eighteenth century
The International Conference Res Sinicae 2022. Cousas da China. Sixteenth to Eighteenth century, took place on the 19th, 20th and 21st of May 2022, bringing together many Portuguese and foreign experts in the intercultural relations between Europe and Ming-Qing China. This event marked the end of the project Res Sinicae. A digital database of documentary sources in Latin and Portuguese on China (sixteenth-eighteenth century). Survey, edition, translation and studies [PTDC/LLT-OUT /31941/2017]. For more information see:

“China in the 17th century: Trauma, Transition and Global Transformations”
The researchers Cristina Costa Gomes, João Teles e Cunha, Isabel Murta Pina and Maria João Pereira Coutinho participated and presented the following papers at the International Workshop "China in the 17th century: Trauma and Global Transformations", organized by the Dipartimento Asia, Africa e Mediterraneo of the Università degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale":
'Miseries, Tribulations, and Calamities': António de Gouveia as an Eye-witness to the Seventeenth Century Eurasian Crisis – Cristina Costa Gomes & João Teles e Cunha
On the eye of the hurricane: Álvaro Semedo, an observer of two dynastic transitions in the Global Crisis of the 17th century – Isabel Murta Pina
Craftsmen working for Kangxi: The “Invention of Curious Things” by the Jesuits Gabriel de Magalhães (1609-1677) and Tomás Pereira (1646-1708) – Maria João Pereira Coutinho

Res Sinicae: an online project of Jesuit sources on China
The conference 'Res Sinicae: an online project of Jesuit sources on China' presented the namesake project, which deals with handwritten documentation produced by Jesuits of the Portuguese Padroado in China from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century. It took place in the Jesuit cultural centre Brotéria, within the scope of its ongoing Jesuit History Seminar.
Between the 5th and 7th of May 2021, the project "Res Sinicae, Digital Database of Documentary Sources in Latin and Portuguese on China (16th - 18th Century). Survey, Editing, Translation and Studies" (PTDC/LLT- OUT /31941/2017), participated in a video presented by the Center for Classical Studies | University of Lisbon, within the scope of the European Humanities Conference (CEH), part of the European Humanities Conference 2021.
The "Jornadas Res Sinicae: Archives and materials", which took place on the 15th and 16th of April 2021, included presentation from Portuguese and foreign researchers on topics connected with the Project area of study, namely issues related to documentary collections and archives.

On October 1, 2019, the project "Res Sinicae, Digital base of documentary sources in Latin and Portuguese on China (16th - 18th century). Survey, edition, translation and studies" (PTDC / LLT- OUT / 31941/2017), from the Center for Classical Studies of the University of Lisbon, participated with a Poster in the "Research Days at FLUL, State of the Art 2019".
On November 5, 6 and 7, 2018, the "Symposium Sapientia Asiatica" took place to present the project recently funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT): "Res Sinicae, Digital database of documentary sources in Latin and Portuguese about China (16th - 18th century). Survey, edition, translation and studies "(PTDC / LLT-OUT / 31941/2017), from the Center for Classical Studies of the University of Lisbon. The meeting was attended by a group of CEC researchers of the University of Lisbon and other national and international institutions, which promoted the debate on this area of studies. There was also a workshop dedicated to MA and PhD students and a practical session at the Biblioteca da Ajuda, where some of the documentation available there was object of reflection and debate.